A law firm that advocates exclusively for the elderly and their loved ones.

A law firm that advocates exclusively for older folks, the disabled and their loved ones.

Estate Planning Basics

Patrick Hoerter • Jun 03, 2022

Golden Years Elder Law is a legal service provider, but we sell peace of mind too. Effective estate planning provides you the security of knowing that important decisions are in place and your legacy is protected for your loved ones. Whether you want to simply create a power of attorney or plan for all your assets by implementing a trust, we can help you determine the best plan that suits your needs.


Estate planning can help your family avoid dealing with the courts, lawyers, and the lengthy process of probate altogether. By planning now you can ensure that your loved ones will not be burdened by dealing with the courts. Whether your estate is large or small, the benefits are many -- just a few include:

  • You stay in control;
  • Your loved ones can settle your estate without waiting on the courts;
  • Your estate remains private;
  • You decide who manages your estate when you’re gone.

If you’re reading this, you’ve made the first move toward getting peace of mind. Visit us for a free consultation and let us help you determine the best plan that suits your needs.

By Patrick Hoerter 03 Jun, 2022
We’ve all heard some version of the saying that nothing is certain except death and taxes. Neither is fun to think about, which is probably why most of us put off anything to do with either for as long as possible. I think this goes for getting older too – and thinking about what needs you or your loved ones might have as you age. Planning for long term care isn’t as bad as it seems – at least not as bad as death or taxes. Most of us probably can’t afford the cost of a skilled nursing facility, or if we can, not for very long. In Kentucky, the average monthly cost of a skilled nursing facility is $7,330 per month (I know, right?). Somewhat similarly, many of us have saved money most of our life and maybe own our own home too. With just slightly above average assets you won’t qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid is a needs-based program for impoverished Americans that will pay for long term care. So, what do you do if you’re not rich enough to afford long term care, but you don’t qualify for Medicaid? Blow your life savings on a nursing home until you qualify for Medicaid? (Sorry, kids. No more inheritance.) There is a middle road, you just have to know how to find it. The sooner you find it, the better. Even if you’re already in a nursing home, the middle road is still open to you. With the right help, you’ll get there. By working with Golden Years Elder Law, you’ll get the help you need to ensure that you can preserve as much of your life savings as possible without missing out on the government program that you helped pay for your entire working life. The sooner that you start to plan, the more likely it is that you can save and protect most of your assets. But even if you have a loved one in crisis, who is in immediate need of skilled care, draining all your loved one’s resources is not the only option. Even in a crisis we can help preserve assets, get you or your loved one qualified for Medicaid, and assist in every aspect of the application process. The sooner you act the more that we save together. Your circumstances might be best suited to placing assets in a trust, purchasing a specific kind of annuity, or both as well as other strategies to maximize what you can save. Hopefully aging is as certain as the other stuff. So, stop putting off planning for the future for yourself or your loved ones. Get started with us planning for your or your loved one’s long term care. Golden Years Elder Law is there for you whether your long term care needs are far into the future or right in front of you.
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